Correspondence cor·re·spon·dence kȯr-ə-ˈspän-dən(t)s

Communication by letters or email

  • the news, information, or opinion contributed by a correspondent to a newspaper or periodical
  • news, commentary, letters, etc., received from a newspaper or magazine
  • the agreement of things with one another

“Let’s write something beautiful together”



Medical consultants

In connection with the production of medical reports, also prepares the letters that go with them. This can involve correspondence to insurance companies, other medical professionals, patients, etc. These documents are prepared according to your house style.


In connection with the submission of articles to academic journals, also assists in the letter that accompanies a “revise and resubmit” request from the publisher. As an academic, you know how complicated these can be when several reviewers’ comments need to be considered.

Personal correspondence

Over the years many private citizens have approached when they have been unsure of how to go about typing up an official letter. Examples of these can be when writing a “letter to the editor”; corresponding with your local GP; a government department like HMRC; an insurance company when making a claim. Our aim, here, is to help you use appropriate language and set the letter out in a professional and clear way so that your point is put across plainly and concisely.